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Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) benefits for a Digital Engineering Ecosystem

Bruce Jenkins - 3D CAD World

...UQ has applications in many of the stages of product development; initial design and modeling, physical prototyping, testing, manufacturing, and operation and sustainment. When an engineer models a system or a component, it is important to understand the uncertainties in the outcome of the model to ensure that the model is accurate, and that a robust optimum has been achieved. Likewise, when physical experiments and tests are performed, quantified margins and uncertainties for the system are important in determining whether the system will meet requirements. In manufacturing and assembly, UQ supports statistical analysis of production processes to help control output and reduce scrap and rework. UQ also provides diagnosis and condition-based maintenance strategies for fielded systems.

Although the need for UQ in all the engineering processes has been understood for some time, most statistical UQ tools have required specialized backgrounds even to use the tool, and most engineers lack the technical depth or tools to apply statistical engineering to everyday processes, Dr. Kraft observed.

Digital engineering has already become essential for engineering and manufacturing organizations to remain competitive. But before attempting to implement it, SmartUQ advises, “recognize that digital engineering is not an instant fix. It will require a persistent focus of corporate intent, a steady investment not only in tools and capabilities but in transforming the culture to a digital world, and a serious commitment to changing traditionally linear processes to digital approaches.”...

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