January 5 - 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Presented by Dr. Ed Kraft, Technical Advisor & Gavin Jones, Sr. Application Engineer
This one-of-a-kind course is at the leading edge of the rapidly emerging field of digital engineering.
The course will introduce Digital Engineering strategies and methods to transform system engineering paradigms deploying model-based digital surrogate truth sources, demonstrate the context and value of implementing uncertainty quantification at all levels and phases of decision making under risk, and translating high-volume, high-velocity digital data into better products, processes, and mission effectiveness by delivering essential knowledge to master risk at the speed of need.
SMARTUQ, an uncertainty quantification (UQ) and analytics software tool, will be used for practical illustrations of the context and methods for UQ applications to the creation of digital surrogate truth sources, quantified margins and uncertainties, and support to decision making under risk.
Learning Objectives: