Interactive environment for data processing, visualization, creation of DOEs and Emulators, integration and automation of other software, and performing analytics (i.e. Uncertainty Propagation, Sensitivity Analysis, Inverse Analysis, Statistical Calibration, and Statistical Optimization).
Interactive environment for using previously trained models to perform predictions.
Interactive environment for using previously trained SmartUQ models to perform data processing, visualization, sensitivity analysis, optimization, and uncertainty propagation.
PySmartUQ is an extensive Python application programming interface with similar features to the SmartUQ GUI. This API is used for automation, scripting, complex workflow creation, and interfacing with other software to fit emulators and run analytics.
Runtime API is a Python application programming interface that enables users to programmatically use previously trained SmartUQ emulators to make predictions. This API is designed to provide a way to distribute emulators for use within other workflows and software.
SmartUQ Pro combines the SmartUQ GUI, PySmartUQ API, and Runtime API allowing easy access to SmartUQ features withing Python.
SmartUQ Pro Plus adds the Prediction GUI and Analytics GUI to SmartUQ Pro.
The Varying Geometry Module allows the user to build advanced Emulators for complex varying geometry problems. Typical uses include building Spatial-Temporal Emulators of simulations with inconsistent mesh or topology or from physical sampling across non uniform points.
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